
LCA and end-of life report

This deliverable is part of WP4 "Environmental impact & circulareconomy", which aim is to increase DREEM e-Kickscooter sustainability by applying Circular Economy business model to the entire product life-cycle.

What is important to realize in this first task is to verify if LCA methodology that already
exists can be applied to electric kickscooters. During the project initial phases (vehicle development and design), an analysis of all kickscooter components was done in order to identify all materials used in the preparation of the DREEM vehicle. The first step is to create a first design, production and end of life process release and study it with LCA and repeat the study at each new release: 1) set the goal and scope of the assessment, 2) include relevant cycle stages and 3) set appropriate boundaries.

Download and read this report to find out more

Publication Date: 30 Mar 2022

Author: Simone Bambagioni - PUNCH Torino